Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tiger Penis

First, I'd like to say "Hola! Como esta Usted?" to my viewer from Spain.  Allow me to use the rare vosotros--"Vosotros cocinais?"

This is another guaranteed recipe.  It is for everyone who who has had a bad relationship with beets.  I've cooked this for many a hater and it has always won them over with is dark sangrian hue and firm texture.  Trust me on this one-- it is awesome.

A little history on the beet.  It is older than Jesus and its juice has been considered an aphrodisiac.  Which, per a dinner conversation with a lovely guest last night, I would prefer over tiger penis and oysters every day of the week.

What you Need:

Four bulbs, Beets with leaves
1/2 lb. Green beans, *must be fresh
3 1/2 oz Goats Cheese


2 Tbsp. Olive Oil
1 clove Garlic, minced
2 Tbsp. Capers, chopped
1 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
1/2 tsp. salt and pepper

* You're probably noticing the turkey, cheddar and dough.  Ignore it--it's for another day.

Fresh Beetroot and Goat's Cheese Salad

To prepare Beets:
Boil water in a large pan.
Trim off leaves and wash.
Scrub and remove outer skin from beets
until clean.
Simmer bulbs, covered, for 30 minutes.
(tender when pierced with a fork)

Meanwhile . . .

Bring another saucepan of water to a boil.
Make a ice-water bath in a large bowl or sink.
Boil Beans 3 minutes, then toss into ice-bath.
Drain well.
Then boil leaves 3-5 minutes and repeat bath.

To make dressing:
Put all ingredients in screw top jar and shake.

To serve, divide ingredients amongst plates or in a bowl and crumble goat cheese over top.

*  Don't you dare use frozen beans.      Rico! Rico!

Total time: 45 minutes
Music:  Iron and wine with Calexico
Drink:  Wine, red

1 comment:

  1. This was soooo good Scott, after eating three servings of it, I will definitely save this recipe for a future dinner of my own! Thanks!
