Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Alright, I go with this one a lot when I need a side to bring over to friends dinners.  It goes good with anything from pot roast beef to Chicken Parmesan. It's a salad struggling against the end of summer and the inevitable Equinox. 
It takes a nice picture. 

What You Need:
5 oz Asparagus spears
13 oz button mushrooms, halved.
5 oz rocket of leaf lettuce
1 Red bell pepper, sliced into strips.

1 Tbsp. wholegrain mustard
1/4 C Orange Juice
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
1 Tbsp. Lime juice
1 Tbsp. Orange Zest
2 tsp. each lime and lemon zest
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1/4 C Honey

* I use a grater instead of a zester. 

Asparagus and Mushroom Salad with Zest Dressing

1. Boil a large pot of water and prepare an ice-water bath. Prepare Asparagus:  Snap off  woody ends.  Then cut in half on the diagonal.  Cook in boiling water, one minute than remove and plunge in ice bath to arrest development.

2.  Combine all dressing ingredients in a meduim sauce pan.  Season with pepper.  Bring to a boil, then reduce and add mushrooms.  Toss for 2 minutes.

3.  Remove mushrooms; return dressing to boil.  Boil 3-5 minutes until reduced and syrupy.  Cool.

4.  Combine all ingredients; drizzle with sauce.

Total time: 30 minutes
Drink:  Wine, white
Netflix: Krull

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